A lighting scheme is the result of a relationship between Client, Designer and the Codes and Standards. Others may be concerned to some degree, but they are really bystanders to the main action. The Client ostensibly knows what he or she wants and requires, the Codes are there to describe how that can be achieved and the Designer is the Interpreter of both. For the Designer who wants an easy life, it’s quite simple: take the Client brief, apply the relevant Code and draw up the resulting scheme. But this is not Design, it’s light as illumination, light as engineering.
Lighting Design begins once the correct information is on the table. A good Designer takes time to analyze what the Client really wants and needs and also knows what the Codes ask for. It’s at that point that Design truly begins. The Designer changes the shape of the relationship and the shape of the outcome. This talk looks at lighting projects that challenge the status quo, that go Beyond The Codes, in the retail, hospitality, residential, offices, museums, and heritage genres. These projects provided solutions that neither the Client necessarily expected nor a rote application of the Codes allowed for. Some of the projects are outliers and will probably stay as such, while others have created a new dynamic within that liminal world of possible future.
Total AIA CEU Credits: 1.5 (must attend all three Advanced Concepts in Lighting sessions)