Registrant Directory

This page shows the people attending this event. Click on the "request meeting" button to set up a meeting with someone.
Russ Gittleson Russ Gittleson
Light Kinetics International
Chris Glandt Chris Glandt
Visa Lighting
Vice President of R&D
Werner Goetz Werner Goetz
Goetz Technology Consulting
Principal Consultant
Shea Gonzalez Shea Gonzalez
Electrical Designer
Shea Gonzalez Shea Gonzalez
Electrical Designer
Kim Good Kim Good
Endeavor Business Media
Event Operations
Russell Green Russell Green
Cooper Lighting Solutions
Lead Development Engineer
June Griffin June Griffin
Endeavor Business Media
Val Grigore Val Grigore
Value Engineering Solutions LLC
Vinny Guercio Vinny Guercio
Right Brain Creative
Al Haberman Al Haberman
Bartle & Gibson
Lighting Specialist
Tyler Hack Tyler Hack
Visual Comfort & Co.
Mechanical Engineer