Registrant Directory

This page shows the people attending this event. Click on the "request meeting" button to set up a meeting with someone.
Yoni Park Yoni Park
Samsung Electronics
Youngsam Park Youngsam Park
Samsung Electroncs
LED Lighting Marketing
Hoseop Park Hoseop Park
Paranjay Patel Paranjay Patel
CreeLED Inc.
Product Manager
Doug Paton Doug Paton
DesignLights Consortium
Technical Manager
Lisa Pattison Lisa Pattison
senior scientist
Chris Patton Chris Patton
Architectural Market Manager
Jason Paulsel Jason Paulsel
Cooper Lighting Solutions
Engineering Manager
Yuriy Pavlutskyy Yuriy Pavlutskyy
Coronet LED
Lighting Controls Specialist
Axel Pearson Axel Pearson
DesignLights Consortium
Senior Technical Product Manager
Henrik Pedersen Henrik Pedersen
Louis Poulsen A/S
Technology Engineer
Indika Perera Indika Perera
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Research Scientist