Registrant Directory

This page shows the people attending this event. Click on the "request meeting" button to set up a meeting with someone.
Kilyoan Chung Kilyoan Chung
Samsung Electronics
Principle Engineer - Marketing
M. Oguz Citci M. Oguz Citci
Technical Director
Nancy Clanton Nancy Clanton
Clanton & Associates
Founder and CEO
Lucinda Clapper Lucinda Clapper
ProStar Energy Solutions
Manager - Operations
Henrik Clausen Henrik Clausen
Fagerhult Lighting Academy
Seth Coe-Sullivan Seth Coe-Sullivan
NS Nanotech
CEO and President
Kandice Cohen Kandice Cohen
Trane Technologies
Director, Electrification of Heat
Rob Cohen Rob Cohen
Display Supply & Lighting, Inc.
Zane Coleman Zane Coleman
Phostech LLC
Jim Collin Jim Collin
Annell Ljus och Form
Lighting designer
Jim Collin Jim Collin
Annell Ljus + Form AB
Partner and Head of Sales Architectural Lighting
Mark Condry Mark Condry
Facility Solutions Group
Director of Customer Care