Strategies in Light connects technology, lighting, and the built environment, providing a unique 360-degree platform for information exchange, collaboration and networking.

Conference speakers and panelists present cutting-edge technical, application, and research content that shapes the lighting and building community. Strategies in Light provides a collaborative, integrated event experience for professionals representing the entire spectrum of lighting in the built environment including emerging technologies; design and development; manufacturing; application; design and specification, installation and construction; and operations and maintenance.

"Getting updates on technology advances and results of important research programs is key for us to maintain our reputation as technology experts in our market. Very few lighting manufactures have a budget to fund a major research project. So we must rely on institutions like the DOE and LRC to provide this data. SIL has been a key resource in accessing this data." - ERVY GREENWALDT, DIRECTOR OF RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT, PHOENIX PRODUCTS LLC